Take Maximum Benefit from the Blessed Days

While we anxiously wait for the day of Eid, we need to be aware of the unique period of the Islamic calendar we are passing through. In the next few days two great acts of worship will be observed, which cannot be performed at any other time of the year.

Dhul Hijjah The first of which is Hajj. It cannot be performed at any other time of the year.  Other forms of worship can be performed at any time. Salaah is obligatory 5 times a day but voluntary Salaah can be performed throughout the day. Fast is obligatory in Ramadhan but voluntary fast can be kept throughout the year. Zakaat is obligatory once a year but charity can be given at any time. However, Hajj can only be performed on specific days. If one observes the rites of Hajj: standing on Arafaat, spending a night as Mudhdalifah, pelting of the Jamaraat etc. at any other time, it will not even be considered as a valid form of Ibadah.  It has to be done in the specific days appointed by Allah and only then, will it earn reward.

The other act of worship is Qurbaani for which Allah has given us 3 days of Dhul Hijjah i.e. 10, 11 and 12.  If anyone wants to perform Qurbaani outside these three days it will not be possible. Yes, as a form of Sadaqah one can slaughter an animal and distribute the meat but that will not be Qurbaani. Qurbaani can only be made in these 3 days. This is how Allah has given distinction to this time of the year.

In view of these virtues and the Ahadith stating the auspicious nature of the first 10 days of Dhul Hijjah, the Ulama have concluded that after Ramadhan-ul-Mubarak these ten days are the most superior time of the year when rewards of Deeds increase.To capitalise on the blessings of these days there are some acts of worship we can engage in:

1-We should fast as much as we can and in particular we should fast on the day of Arafah- the 9 the of Dhul Hijjah.  Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said that if someone fasts on the day of Arafat I am hopeful that Allah will expiate his sins of one year before and one year after.(Ibne Majah)

2- Increase in the Dhikr of Allah in general. A specific Dhikr to be recited is the Takbir of Tashreeq which begins with Fajr on the 9th of Dhul Hijjah and continues till Asr on the 13th of Dhul Hijjah.  

3- Perform Tahajjud Salaah- The worship of one night is increased to the worship of Lailatul Qadar(the night of power)

4- Offer the Qurbaani-Aaisha Radiyallahu Anha says that Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said: During the 10 days of Dhul-Hijjah there is no action more loved by Allah Ta’ala than the blood shed from Qurbaani. On the day of Qiyamah those who made Qurbani will come forward with the hair, horns and hooves of these animals. The blood of the Qurbani is honourably accepted by Allah before it reaches the ground. Therefore make Qurbaani with a happy heart. {Trimizi}

May Allah grant us the ability to take maximum benefit from these days. May Allah grant us the blessings of these days and give us strength  to fulfil his commands.

Yusuf Moosagie-24th October 2012