BARAKKAH (blessings).
We exert ourselves to fulfill our various daily chores - yet sometimes, we feel that we are not seeing the results of our efforts. There seems to be a missing ingredient. What is that? BARAKKAH (blessings).
Brakkah means that with minimum effort you attain maximum results.
An easy way to attain barakah is to greet everytime you enter the home.
Anas Radiyallahu Anhu narrates: " The Messenger of Allah ṣallallāhu alaihi wasallam said to me: 'O my son! When you go to your family, offer Salaam for it will be a source of blessings for you and your family." [Tirmidhi]
May Allah grant us all Barakkah in every aspect of our lives.
Prosperity and Adversity
Prosperity and adversity are both tests from Allah. It is in these two conditions that man tends to violate the laws of Allah. When displaying joy (e.g. at the time of a wedding) or when mourning (e.g. at the time of a mayyit) - we do things which are prohibited.
We should remember Allah under all circumstances and remain obedient to Him. The greater the sacrifices the greater the reward.
Your Body is a Trust
Your body and health are trusts from Allah. Among the first things that a person will be questioned about on the day of Judgment is with regards to health. Allah will ask: "Did I not grant you a healthy body?"
We should therefore look after our bodies and our health. Maintain a healthy and well balanced. Avoid harmful foods. Exercise regularly.
May Allah give us the understanding!