Kindling the Love of Masjidul Aqsa‏ in our Hearts

Most of us have grown up with the love of Makkah and Medina deeply entrenched in our hearts. This is perhaps as a result of our parents talking about Makkah and Medina and showing us frames from a very small age.


As a result, from a very young age we dream about visiting these two sanctified places. And when we do have the opportunity to visit these places, it is truly a dream come through. However, we do not find the same desire and aspiration to visit Masjidul Aqsa. This essentially is because we have not understood the position and virtue of this blessed place.  Perhaps our parents and teachers have also not understood the virtue of Masjidul Aqsa and hence they have not created that desire within us.


I think we should begin by focusing on the virtues of Masjidul Aqsa. Indeed, it enjoys many points of virtue in comparison with other holy places on earth:

a)    Masjidul Aqsa  was the direction of the first Qibla. Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam faced Masjidul Aqsa for seventeen months after coming to Medinatul Munawarra

b)    It is the second Masjid to be built on earth. Abu Dhar Al Ghifary Radiyallah Anhu asked Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam as to where the first house of Allah was. Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said that it was in Makkah. He then asked about the second house of Allah. Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam replied: 'It is Masidul Aqsa.' Abu Dhar then asked as to what the time frame was between the two. Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said: 'Forty years’.

c)     Masjidul aqsa is indeed one of the three Haraams- Sanctified Places places om earth. Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said: ' Salaah in Masjidul Haraam is multiplied one hundred thousand times, whilst Salaah in His Masjid in Medina is multiplied by one thousand fold and Salaah in Masjidul Aqsa is multiplied five hundred folder.

These are three virtue of Masjidul Aqsa which we ought to be well aware of. But added to this, there is a special virtue that Masjidul Aqsa holds over Makkah and Medina. It is the only place on earth where all the Ambiya Alaihi Salaam performed Salaah. This occurred on the night of the miraculous journey of Mi'raaj when Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was given the honour of performing the Salaah for the entire galaxy of Ambiya Alaihis Salaam. Whilst walking in the Masjid in the last few days, I continuously reminded myself to thread careful and with humility because the very spot where I may be putting my feet, a Nabi of Allah may have stood on that very spot.

After having spent six days in the precincts of Masjidul Aqsa with the South African Itikaaf group I suddenly feel an intense bond with the Masjid. It is like a new found of love. It is Something that I never imagined about. I know for sure that I would never have felt this way if I had not visited Masjidul Aqsa and spent time in the Masjid. Hence, I feel that it is necessary for every Muslim to visit Masjidul Aqsa at the first possible opportunity.  This will make you realize the position of Masjidul Aqsa and create a special bond between you and Al Aqsa.

 May Allah make it possible for all to visit Masidul Aqsa

Yusuf Moosagie
Al Quds- Jerusalem
13 August 2012